Kali ni saya nak share some info atau pun kata-kata dari Robert Kiyosaki (RICH DAD).
Mungkin kita boleh belajar something dari sini untuk improve diri kita sama-sama..
The 90/10 Rule
Throughout history, 90 percent of the money has been made by 10 percent of the people. For instance, 10 percent of the athletes make 90 percent of the money made by all athletes. This is one of the rules of money that Rich Dad taught me. One reason the 90/10 rule has applied is that 90 percent of the people choose comfort and security over being rich. Most of these people do not realize they could choose to be rich.
While the 90/10 rule still holds, it’s being challenged by the changing circumstances that the information age introduced. Thanks to the electronic revolution, it is now possible for more and more people to gain access to the world of wealth, for wealth now resides in information that flies over the airwaves and through television and computer networks. Information is not restricted to the few, as land and resources were in past ages.
The Internet epitomizes this new avenue toward wealth, for it enables the masses to gather information and interact with one another in almost complete freedom. Today it’s possible for people to take their ideas and, with the help of this new-age medium, build products or services around them. Network marketing, the selling of consumer goods, investing, publishing—these are only a handful of the thousands of on-line activities that have been launched by aspiring entrepreneurs and savvy investors.
We’ve only just begun to see what kind of world is possible in this new age of information, but I’ll wager that in the near future, the pressure of the information age is going to shatter the old 90/10 rule. It has never been easier to choose to be rich.
Take Note
The times are rapidly changing, and if you want to be rich, your approach to money and investing has to change too.
When I was a boy, Rich Dad used to say, “If you want to get rich, you need financial literacy. You have to learn to be an investor.” My educated dad disagreed. “I don’t need to learn how to invest,” he’d say. “I have a guaranteed government pension plan, a pension from the Teachers Union, and Social Security benefits. Why take risks with my money?” That’s head-in-the-sand thinking. If you think your financial security is the responsibility of a company or the government, you’re going to be sorely disappointed in the coming years. You need to switch from industrial age to information age thinking:
People get old or obsolete because they cling to old ideas. Rich Dad used to say, “You can’t help but get older physically. That doesn’t mean you have to get older mentally.” If you want to stay young longer, adopt younger ideas.
It would be great if everyone had a Rich Dad and grew up learning financial literacy. Most of you didn’t have such an advantage. Don’t let that discourage you. Regardless of what did or didn’t happen in the past, when you’re ready to make big changes, amazing things can happen in a short time. Many great fortunes have been built by determined people who started out later in life, even people who were in considerable debt. Look at Colonel Sanders-he was sixty-six and broke when he started Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Industrial age thinking
• Study hard and find a safe, secure job.
• Get a job and save money.
• Your pension and Social Security will protect you in retirement.
• Your income will go down when you retire.
• Diversify your investments.
• Blue chip stocks and mutual funds are safe investments.
• Put your investments in the hands of someone else.
Information age thinking
• Study hard but also become financially literate.
• Create assets on your own.
• Your pension and Social Security will not support you in retirement.
• Your income should increase as you age.
• Concentrate your investments.
• Blue chip stocks and mutual funds will not protect you if there is a stock market crash.
• Watch your investments but seek competent advisors.
Sekian untuk hari ini.... saya akan cuba share lagi yang lain di masa hadapan.
Yang penting sekarang, cuba fahami apa sebenarnya yang di ajar oleh RICH DAD ni..
Dan pada yang belum familiar siapa itu RICH DAD POOR DAD, boleh google info atau lagi bagus beli je buku RICH DAD POOR DAD. Buku ni pernah jadi best seller selama beberapa tahun dan mempunyai 38 bahasa seluruh dunia. Terima kasih..
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